Thursday, June 24, 2010

Megan Graduates

Megan has never done things like other people. None of my my children have but, that is another blog post. Through the years Megan has marched to the beat of her own drum in so many ways I cannot begin to list them. Let me just say she went to school dressed as mime, pirate and alien to list a few. She did not get a yearbook, go to Gradnite and did not want to walk.

Luckily we insisted on it
and enjoyed a day of celebrating Megan.

I don't think it was about just the accomplishments in School, don't get me wrong we were so proud of her achievements. But, as she left High School behind that day I was so proud of who she had become as a person.

I am Proud of her beautiful relationship she has with her amazing sister.I am Proud of how hard she works at something she puts her mind to.I am Proud of efforts at originality in music and dress while trying to keep within the standards of the church.I am Proud of her developed gift of forgiving others.I am Proud of her goals and dreams for the future.I am Proud she takes the time out of her busy life for her little brother.I am Proud of her kindness to little children an old people.I am Proud that she has learned to assert her self even when it is hard.I am Proud that she speaks her mind.

I am Proud most of all to have found her at times of greatest turmoil
on her knees or with her scriptures looking for the Lord's way to deal with issues.
As long as that is the path she seeks I will continue to have many days to be proud in the future.


  1. I am proud of her for all the same reasons. And I'm proud of you that you figured out how to post pictures! Thanks for this Mom. I love you.

  2. Thanks honey. A very nice person came to visit this spring and taught me a few things. I love you too!

  3. This is beautiful! All of your children are amazing and Megan is definitely fantastic! We miss you all!
