Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Searching for Truth: An open letter to my son

   Dear James,

      Truth is a tricky thing to pin down.  It cannot be defined by the opinion of the majority.  Written works and Legal systems cannot hold claim to possessing complete truth.   I once held the ideal that if it was written down, it must be true.  Over the years I have learned that you cannot believe everything you read. So how can you find truth?  I believe time plays a key role, give yourself time and watch what unfolds.  Truth will stand and error will fade away.

      As you and I were studying Ancient cultures in Social Studies this year we found some similar truths on the Eightfold Path of Buddhism and Mormonism.  They were as follows. 
                  Incline toward goodness and kindness
                  Avoid lies and gossip
                  Prevent evil and do good
                  Don't steal or harm others
    This discovery of similar core values in a religious system created thousands of years ago was exciting to you.  We talked about the common thread of truth found in many religions, cultures and governments.
       As we studied other civilizations we discovered many governments and religions valued these same principals.  The most stunning observation gathered this year was the correlation between the people adhering to these principals and the  success of the civilization.   James you noted that it was like the pride cycle in the Book of Mormon because as the government, laws or principals of the people became corrupt the civilization would begin to decline. 
       During this time you mentioned you enjoyed reading the Book of Mormon because you felt enlightened and it provided a direction and answers in your life.  Then you said it felt different than reading Percy Jackson books.  Someday you may wonder if the Book of Mormon is true.   Someday you may wonder if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.  That is why I am writing you this letter.

      I want to tell you about the time when I was looking for truth.  A  few years ago I came across many things on the internet that made me question my faith.  Almost everything had to do with the History of the church.  I began to question things that bothered me.  I want you to know I NEVER questioned the doctrine. No matter what, I knew the plan of Salvation and the Atonement were real.  I want to share with you a few key things I learned during this time.  I also want to write them down so I don't forget.

  •  Faith cannot exist without doubt.  Don't be afraid of your doubts as   you work through them your faith will grow in proportion to the mountain you conquer.
  •  Truth will give you a feeling of light- Deceit will give you a feeling of darkness.  Learn to distinguish the difference.
  • Just because something is not Sacred to another person does not mean it is not  Sacred.   When actions or words violate what is sacred to me it is confusing and harmful.  I have found it is better to stay away.  Desecrating what is sacred to another religion is not a respectful approach and will not  lead you to truth. 
  • There is a huge difference between searching for truth and trying to destroy. Searching builds, questioning enlightens, criticizing destroys.  Learn the difference and you will be a wise man.
  • Truth will provide new understanding.  Half-truths and lies will confuse you more.  When your head is spinning in circles and you can't find your way, you have lost it.  Try a new source of information.  If you find even one twisted truth you should deem the source unreliable.  Where there is one exaggeration there will be more and you will go insane trying to figure out which is which. 

    So, that is it!  It is really simple; most truths are sweet and pure.  The way you will know principals are true is by applying them in your life. 

              I look forward to the man you will become.  I enjoy learning with you and from you.  Remember to find out for yourself what is true, do not just take another person's word for it.   People can be passionate and convincing, but what you believe should be achieved by you asking God. The most profound things are discovered when we ponder alone.   I love you more everyday.


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